Is this
Department 20 and one?
Step aside, lackey,
or you'll be eating my boot!
What is going on?
Exactly, your honor,
what is going on?
When a flower of the South,
a decent girl with
a beautiful good family
is arrested
on her way home from
her niece's confirmation
and booked and incarcerated
like a common
woman of the streets.
I'm talking
about Thelma Cleland!
Of the Cleland
Parish Clelands
of Bay St. Luc, Louisiana.
Excuse me!
Where our father
Colonel Judge Bryant Cleland
presides over
the Cleland County
Fifth Circuit bench.
I demand that you release
this girl right now
or you'll all taste the
business end of a buggy whip!
Yes, sir.
Get your ass
over here!
You got a case number?
Yes, I do.
Two, zero, five, six, nine,
"A," Alpha. "R," Ranger.
I'll get it!
Now, just exactly
what is your relationship
to the arrestee?
Uh, well, sir,
the young woman is my sister!
I know you can believe
that the family honor
is at stake here.
You strike me
as a gentleman, sir.
Surely you must understand.
Why, of course, I understand.
My people were
related to Jefferson Davis,
on my mother's side.
I knew it!
I knew it, indeed, I knew it!
A son of the South.
Son of what?
O- Of the South, sir.
The confederacy!
Uh, your honor. What?
Loitering with intent
to commit prostitution,
lewd behavior, soliciting
for an unlawful act.
Bail at $350, your honor.
I can't believe my ears!
This is an outrage!
Let me see that thing!
This is outrageous,
ridiculous! Let me see that.
I demand satisfaction!
Get the arresting
officer in here!
I will tar and
feather the scalawag!
Now hold on, Mr. Cleland!
Hold on!
I can release your sister
on her own recognizance
and dismiss this case
in the interests of justice.
Well, thank you. It would
serve my family well.
we'd be very grateful.
Do you like shrimp?
Indeed, I do.
You can come down
to Bay St. Luc,
we'll cook you up
a whole mess of shrimp.