Hey. Hey, I like this.
Take it. Get this thing here.
Uh, forget that.
Oh. Hey, I like that.
Ooh, ain't that a beauty?
Ooh, I like this. Here.
Hey! Okay, now, I want you to
stop this! Right this instant!
Let's see what else
I can find.
I mean that.
You'll stop!
You'll take your dirty
mitts off the fixtures!
Those are Doctor's orders!
Doctor Detroit.
The bad man
from Michigan, himself.
I am his executive assistant.
You touch any of us
and his measure of revenge
will be most swift and horrible,
I can assure you of that!
Damn, Skridlow,
talk some shit!
I'm shivering.
Now, come on, boys,
finish things up
and then you can bust
junior up, here, for laughs.
I warn you!
I am extensively read in White
Crane Kung Fu and Hapkido!
Right, all right,
get down, Skridlow.
Okay, okay, don't
get your balls in an uproar.
We can always talk.
Well, then talk!
Well, not to you.
To the boss.
Me and Doctor Detroit.
Face to face.
Uh, you and Doctor Detroit.
Okay, fine.
I'll set up a meeting...
All right.
...between you
and Doctor Detroit.
Uh, tomorrow night, at the
126th St. Graveyard. At midnight.
Midnight? The graveyard?
That's kinda dramatic,
ain't it?
Well, that's my offer.
Take it or leave it,
Come on now, cool it!
Cool it!
Get down, Skridlow,
with your Hapkido self.
All right! Yeah, brother, show
'em what you can do.
Well, that's it!
That's my offer.
Tomorrow night,
126th St. Graveyard, midnight.
No excuses. No substitutions!
I don't talk
to flunkies!
Now, I'll meet
with your Doctor,
and we'll settle
this shit together!
Well then, fine. If our business here is
concluded, I'll kindly ask you to leave.
Okay, come on.
Get out!
Tomorrow! Get out of here, all of you.
Come on, boys.
Out! Scat! Be gone! Raus!