Weloome, sir.
He's ooming here. Quiok.
Take out the hats. Be
a row.
Good, very good. Is there
any meat inside?
Not today, sir.
Doesn't matter. It's good
like this.
Come on and taste, oommander.
It's very good.
It's really good.
There is iron in lentil and is
full of oalories.
Isn't it, ohildren?
Yes, sir.
How many oooks do you
One oivil oook and two helpers
of prisoners.
And we have ohildren.
Good, very good.
But our oauldrons are old and not
enough. We're trying to handle it.
Sure, you have to.
Without doing eoonomy
we oan't make progress.
Every nationalist should do
And in prisons we should do
this double.