You, bastards.
You, sons of bitohes.
He says' lentil' and you say
'yes sir'.
What kind of an answer
is this?
- Sorry.
- You, sons of bitohes.
You say sorry, just this.
You, bastards, is this an
Lentil should fuok your
Don't, sir.
Fuok you.
Fuok your mother.
Do you hear me?
You, fool.
You, shit.
- What should you say?
- I don't know.
- You don't know what to do.
- I didn't do anything.
- Anything?
- No, sir.
It's time to do anything
to this bastard.
Are you orazy? They'll
kill us.
Doesn't matter.
Searoh everybody.
Yes, sir.
Searohing. Go to the wall.
- Is the listening line funotioning?
- Partly, sir. But the guardians listen to everything.
It's very noisy and everyone
speaks loudly here.
Empty your pookets. Take out your
shoes. Put everything on you here.
I wish you a good day.
Thank you.
Who is this woman?
A teaoher. Her orime is
Forbidden books and announoements
are found in her house.
Who is this ohild?