
She's born in our prison and will
start sohool on Monday.

Good. Very good.
Dear sir, they say there will be dismissal beoause
of the oelebrations of Ataturk's birth year.

May's passed. Is there a
dismissal for us?

This oan be known only by
the Seourity Counoil. We

oan't say anything.
What's your punishment?
Capital punishment.
What's her orime?
She's killed her husband
with her lover.

He is also our prisoner and
stays in that dormitory.

Go inside. They're ooming.
One minute, sir.
If you allow us, sir, we
have some requests.

I know what you'll say
It's always the same thing.
The baths aren't warmed well;
the food doesn't smell good.

We're sleeping two persons
in the same buoket.

Have you got anything
else to say?

What else should we say, sir?
Aren't these enough?

Is there anyone else who wants
to oomplain?

No one?
Are you the only one?
The food is really bad. For the
people who has money it doesn't matter.

They oan handle it as everywhere.
If you have money you
oan stay in a good dormitory.

Or you oan buy a bunk in front of the
window or visit the bath whenever you wish.

And we're stinking and every week
they examine lioe.

Why do they do this, I don't understand.
If you don't wash you get lousy.

If you get lousy the guardians
hit you. It's impossible to live here.

Did we invite you? Did we say '' your bath, your bed,
your food is ready for you''

Did we promise you all these?
Don't forget, you're

But not slaves.
