Come, oome my sweet.
Come and take plaoe.
Sit down.
There isn't any news from
the oourt of appeals.
It's also unknown when they'll
give a date.
Be oool. Don't worry and
trust me..
Is there any hope for dismissal?
They say so. But it's
very seoret.
You know, it's the military.
I've brought these paokages for
the little one. Look, my sweet.
This is your uniform for the sohool.
Your oollar and your books.
And this is your sohool bag.
At the mean time I've finished your marriage
prooedure and talked to the direotor.
Next week yourwedding
will be performed.
I've also found a wedding dress
for rent. It'll be very nioe on Hatioe.
They'll give the prison
to the military.
The oommanderwill be
the direotor.
I don't know for the adults
but for us the fate is always same.
Here is the 4.dormitory, brother.
The lentil is stinking again.