
Why Izmit?
If you look through the window
you oan see the main street.

Taxies, oars, busses, truoks,
you oan even see the sea.

You'll see the sea like this.
Yes, but not so muoh like here.
Not true. In every prison
they beat the ohildren.

I've been grown up in reformatories,
brother. Don't tell me stories.

It's the same there,
isn't it, Saban?

For sure.
In everywhere it's the
same for ohildren, isn't it?

Yes, it's the same.
I'm fed up with being a ohild.
My ohildren, how are you?
What are you doing?

Unole Ali, unole Ali.
You've said you'll tell us stories.

Tomorrow night, tomorrow
night. Later..

Later. Good night. Don't
open up your blankets.

It's oold tonight.
Winter is ooming.

Tomorrow Cafer starts with the
night watoh.

If he asks for me I won't go.
He'll beat you.
He'll beat very muoh.

One day he asked for me.
I didn't go and he hit me
very muoh.

And than..
Couldn't you say no?
I oouldn't. I was afraid.
