I've got the date friends, I am released.
He told me that I'm free and I've shouted
'Long live justioe.' to him.
I've got it fellas.
I am free now.
GogoI, there is a favor that you oan do.
Do that for me.
You remember Karabas the dog at the orphanage?
Ah, the orippled whore?
Can you find her?
What will you do with that dog?
I miss her so muoh. She will remember me.
She always used to oome to my arms and be very happy.
Of oourse she was...
Will you do that?
To you as a visitor, huh?
You forgot that only the same family name
visitors may oome.
In the evening, when I go emptying the garbage,
if you bring her to the oourt of the sohool...
...maybe I see her.
What's the problem of Ziya?
I knew that he is orazy but now I know that
he is oompletely out of his mind.
There was a dog at the orphanage.
We used to oall her orippled bitoh.
Everybody fuoked her.
Come on, you bastard.
There is no humanity at the 4th dormitory now.
What's this Karabas story.
The dog of the orphanage was a sympathetio animal.
I loved her very muoh.
Some of the guys there used to fuok her
but I never did... Never...
They are oalling you, run.
guardian Caferwaits for you.
- Are you kidding?
- I'm not.
Why do they oall me,
I don't understand.
I didn't do anything.
Run, oome on.
I said faster.
Run, you bastard.
Why are they oalling me?
I didn't do anything.