And as your father always thought the opposite
he just couldn't take it.
Your grandfather could've kept it in,
but your father didn't keep quiet.
Just the opposite.
So they were at each other all the time.
They lost respect for each other.
Until one day your father left home.
Your grandfather never understood
why they argued.
And Its been like that ever since.
They both entered a tunnel with no way out
and there they stay, trapped.
But Grandpa was one of the bad guys, right?
Bad guys, good guys,
Look, just so you understand
When the republic, well... before the war
Your grandfather was one of the bad guys
and your father was one of the good guys
but then, when Franco won,
your grandfather became a saint
and your father became a demon.
You see how things are in this world?
Just words, and only words.
But... why was my father a prisoner of war?
Well, because that's what the winners in a war
always do.
But you're such a little girl,
who told you all this, at your age?
My mother.
My goodness, couldn't she have
told you nicer things?
Or waited a little. You've got plenty of time
to learn about all that.
thats what I say.
Look, Estrellita, you are just a little girl!
Forget about those things now
and think about your first communion tomorrow.
One of the most beautiful days of your life.
Like if you were getting married.
Thats what the priest said too,
but I dont understand.
Well me neither, but you get to dress in white
just like a bride.