[ Birds Chirping ]
[ Sighs ]
[ Men Chattering ]
- Uh, look, uh, I want
to give this back to you.
- Why?
Well, you see,
those tickets were given to me...
and, uh, I-I just feel uncomfortable
about having sold them.
- That's okay.
- No, no, no, really, I--
- [ Sighs ]
- [ Clears Throat ]
We never really introduced ourselves.
I'm Thomas.
Can I use this
to take you out for a drink?
- Oh, that's, uh,
very kind of you, but, uh--
- But what?
But I really have
to get home.
[ Sighs ]
** [ Rap ]
* Check it out
It's the one Seymour *
* Gab was up for grabs
when I rock and roll her *
* It's not a surprise that
I'm playin' your blusher *
- * I'm on the VP
I've got a nasty drop *
- [ Sighs ]
* I upstep this one
I'm swingin' on the mix *
* And the words and the rhythm
will be falling from your lips *
** [ Music Continues ]
Are you available
next Thursday?
- Uh, I think so, yeah.
- Good, good.