[ Footsteps Continue ]
[ Birds Chirping ]
I, uh--
I just graduated.
So-So did I.
- Oh, yeah? In what?
- Radio communications.
- So, so is that what you do?
- That's what I'd like to do.
Uh, I-I do a little
freelance deejay stuff...
but, you know, right now
I'm just driving a cab.
- I thought you might
do something like that.
- Drive a cab?
- No, do something where,
uh, you use your voice.
- Why?
I don't know why.
Because you're easy to listen to.
[ Eric ]
Because of my voice, eh?
[ Walking Through Tall Grass ]
[ Switch Clicking ]
[ Clicking Continues ]
[ Clicking Continues, Faster ]
I just need to find
a structure, you know?
What do you mean?
Listen, I-I waste
so much time, you know? I just--
My days just slip by, you know?
- Isn't that what days
are supposed to do?
- Yeah.
[ Eric ] Not if you want to make
something of yourself, you know?
- [ Eric Chuckles ]
- [ Christina ] What do you
want to make of yourself?
I don't know. I-I-I just feel that I was
meant to do something with my time.
I mean, otherwise, I-I wouldn't be
thinking of this this way.
I'd-I'd be able to just
continue what I was doing, you know?
Do you have a lot of friends?