Fanny and Alexander

What's he supposed to do
for you? I mean, he comes
to this club. He pays you.

Because I was
doing things for him...

and he's done things
for me.

[ Static, Christina Crying
Over Speaker ]

[ Thomas ]
What has he done for you?

- [ Siren Wailing ]
- [ Christina Sniffling ] I'm--

[ Crying ]
I'm sorry.

[ Continues Crying ]
Okay, this is really stupid.

And then I'm getting so emotional
over the fact that he touched me...

because, I mean, he was,
he was always paying me...

to do him this favor and--
[ Sighs ]

- What favor?
- I don't know, Thomas.

- Why do you want to know all this?
- Well, I'm sorry, but l, uh--

What is it about a schoolgirl that gives
her that special innocence, gentlemen?

Such a thing that you have
absolutely no control over.

You never have.
And you never will.
- After this break, we'll be right
back with sweet Chrissy...
- He-He's not supposed to do that.

- who'll help us answer that question.
- Do what?

He's not supposed to--
He's not suppose--

He can obviously see from his booth that
I'm sitting here talking with a client.

He's not supposed to call me
when I'm talking with a client.

- Why? Do you have to go now?
- [ Sighing ]

Uh, yeah.
But I-I-I want to come back,
and I want to, you know, talk.

But I want to move downstairs.
I don't like it here.

Sure, sure, sure.
Okay. I'll see you soon.
Uh, I'm going to move
to the washroom.

[ Woman Murmuring ]
[ Woman Laughing, Murmuring ]
