Fanny and Alexander

[ Eric ] Have you ever noticed that
some people just drift into your life...

like you've
known them forever?

I mean, there are some people
that you can remember...

the moment that you met them
really clearly.

And other people that...
it seems like you've known them forever,
even though you haven't.

And they all become part of this
continuous memory you have of yourself.

This ongoing--
Are you with me?
[ Thomas ]
Uh, yeah, I-I think so.

I mean, here you are,
y-you know...

you're having this beautiful
conversation with her.

You're getting to know
each other, and--

I mean, there's other guys
that come in here. [ Laughs ]

There's this one guy who comes in here
every other night or something...

and he spends
a few hours with her.

But he never really
gets to know her, you know?

Not the way you have.
Not the way you two--

She really seems
to be herself with you.

Well, how do you know?
What? That she's being herself?
Because I used to be her lover.
I'm, uh, sorry, sir.
I can't let you in.

Look, why not?
Look, can I-- Can I at least
just talk to the manager?

- You want to talk to the manager?
- Yeah.

You have to understand that
we have very strict rules...
