I don't think so.
Oh, I do.
Because you're a very
responsible young woman.
[ Sighs ]
Responsible to what?
Well, to whatever it is
you believe you have to do.
Like what?
Well, Lisa loves it when you
come over to baby-sit, for example.
[ Laughs ]
She says you really
listen to her.
That's nice.
She really listens
to me too.
- [ Sniffs ]
- She thinks you're not very happy.
- Listen, Christina,
- [ Sighs ]
if there's, if there's ever anything
you want to talk about...
about what might be going on
at home or whatever...
- you know that I'm here, okay?
- [ Sniffles ]
- Okay.
- Okay?
[ Sniffs ]
Oh, no.
I-It's okay.
Thank you.
You know, I really enjoy
these drives home, Mr. Brown.
Good, good.
So do I.
- Bye, Mr. Brown.
- Good-bye.