-Britt Inger NiIsson?
-Bus no. 6.
Stand still!
Since Ekdahls are keen on celebrating,
there will be a hell of a party.
The party has lasted several hours
and it's time for the cake.
You have all been eating and drinking
and the mood is very joyful.
Everybody is blabbing,
nobody hears anything.
Everybody is excited.
Where is Jalle by the way?
Maybe he left?
He has three pages to read through.
Ok. Let's start the festivities.
On my mark!
We'll take the chatter bit first.
-Can we eat now?
-One moment, Yes!
One, two, three - Action!
The Director Had The Flu And
Was Having A Severe Fever.
But With Careful Planning
Some Co-Workers Took Over.
Very good.
Now, let's have the playback
and the music.
Can we have playback, please?
On my mark!
That was great.
Shall we try a take? Quiet!