One, two, three: Die, you pig
He still plays.
Let's try one more time.
One, two, three...
-Die, you pig!
-Thank you!
I know you'll concentate later.
Let's do a take!
Did you see that?
-A thunderstorm!
-And just close by.
-Hope it hits the damned church.
-What if god'll punish you?
If god'll punish me for such a small thing
like that, he is nothing more than a jerk.
This is an annual happening.
Everybody is excited.
Like before a Bayreuth passion play.
Do you hear that?
It's a part of it.
The expectations.
-If we concentrate...
-A bit quicker, please!
And everything erupts into a
lavastream of consent.
Did you see that?
-A thunderstorm!
-And just close by.
-Hope it hits the damned church.
-What if god'll punish you?
If god'll punish me for such a small thing
like that, he is nothing more than a jerk.
Do you hear that?
If we concentrate really hard
and wish him dead, he will die.
But we have to do it together.
One, two, three: Die, you pig
-He's still playing the flute!
-We'll try one more time.
One, two, three: Die, you pig
-Now it stopped.
-Perhaps he died?