I love this dress. lt's exactly
like the picture I showed you.
Thanks so much for making it.
Now, more important,
did you go to the repertory?
I meant to. I was going to go
yesterday, but I didn't have time.
- You must make the time, child.
- I know.
Remember the first time
you took me to see them dance?
I have dreams about it.
Dreaming is wonderful, but it won't
get you closer to what you want.
But l've saved money, so if they take me,
I can support myself.
But, child, they won't take you
unless you apply and audition.
- I know, but sometimes...
- Alexandra, you are 18 years old.
Do it now! Do it!
You are a good girl.
May the Lord be in your heart
and mind that you confess your sins
in the name of the father,
the son and the holy spirit.
Bless me father, for I have sinned.