Gorky Park

Yes. I'm not sure whether he arrested or
abducted the lady who accompanied me.

Say, from the machinations of a capitalist.
Do sit down, Jack. Have a drink.
Have something to eat.

Talk to the only one of our homicide team
with a 100% record of success.

I'm afraid I have an appointment
with a general so old that he dribbles.

I always wanted to meet an American.
You are so... so different.
Forgive me for staring.
Only once before did I ever meet
an American in the flesh, so to speak.

A young student.
Kirwill, I think he was called.

James Kirwill.
But he was dead.
That doesn't count, then, does it?
You must have noticed many differences
between a man like yourself, Mr. Osborne,

and a man like me.
Man overboard.
There's a sliver of food on your upper lip.
I'm just a plodding investigator. No style.
Completely out of my depth.
Three bodies, three people,
shot down and mutilated in Gorky Park.

And me, I have food on my lip.
Not even caviar at that.
I somehow feel that the executioner,
whoever he may be,

would have preferred somebody...
a more, um... nimble opponent.
