Hadashi no Gen

Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya,

They've come against
all the big cities...

and bombed them into ruins.
It's serious, Gen. I won't
have you making light of it.

There's one thing
that bothers me.

It's like you said,
every major city around us...

has been bombed over and over
again, but never Hiroshima.

The enemy has gone!
All clear! The enemy has gone!

Ha! Told ya!
All clear!
Return to your homes!
I knew it was just a spy plane.
So I had to wake up and
get out of bed for nothing?

All safe and sound... Ohh!
Mother! Are you all right?
Is it the baby?

Kimei, what's wrong?
Just a little dizzy.
- Kimei!
- Mother!

Boys, go fetch the doctor!
- Eiko, make up the bed.
- Yes, Father.

Kimei, hang on.
It won't be long.

The doctor should
be coming in no time.

Hey, Gen, is Mother gonna die?
Oh, no!
Mother's dying, isn't she?

Shinji, shut up!
Mother's not going to die.

Wake up, Doctor! Wake up!
Our mother needs help!
Hurry up!
It's really important!

She's got my little brother
in her tummy!
