Hey, you. Come here.
(Shamu squeaks)
Come here, kiddo.
That's the feeding place.
- Is this whale house-broken yet?
- Nope.
- Then he can't come to dinner.
- You takin' me to dinner?
Soon as we pick up my brother.
When's Sean coming?
We're gonna meet him
at the main gate.
(Dan) Kathy.
Cindy and Sandy don't wanna go.
Am I gonna lose you
to a couple of neurotic fish?
- Mammals.
- Mammals. Mammals.
(Dan) Something's bugging 'em.
It's play time. They'll be
beggin' us tomorrow. Put 'em up.
You got it.
- I'm begging you tonight.
- You don't have to beg.
Take me to dinner!
All right. Let's try sushi.
- Mike!
- I'll change.
Come here. Who's a good boy?
Are you a good boy?
Yes, you're a good boy.
(Shamu gurgles)
And you get a fish.
(Calvin) Ladies and gentlemen,
here he is now.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr Philip
FitzRoyce, with a capital R,
is here to film us, meet our resident
day scientific staff.
- Hey, what's this?
- Oh, no.
Philip the Great.
I am able to combine
business with pleasure,
which, they tell me, is the secret
to a long and happy life.
- What, FitzRoyce?
- Mmm.
Sure is.
Any further questions,
in the bar, if you please.
For the first one who buys.
- Look at Calvin. Best of buddies.
- Ah, best of friends.
(Mike ) A regular Barnum and Bailey.
(Kay ) I'm sure they'll
be very happy together.
Into the Undersea Kingdom they go.
(Chuckle )
Hey, Mikey!
- Hey, hey! Hey!
- Oh!
- How you doin'?
- All right!
- My brother, the cowboy.
- Hey! Hug me, huh?
- Oh, OK.
- Hey.