Jaws 3-D

Oh, I'm sorry, Mr FitzRoyce, but...
that's a behaviour I just don't do.

Nice spins, Danny.
I'll meet you at the holding tank.

Hey, aqua girl!
- Hi, Mike!
- Five.

He don't sleep in, he don't live in.
Tell Shelby Overman
he can take a flyin' leap

at a rollin' doughnut on a gravel
driveway, you hear?

Hold it.
Didn't he come home last night?

- No.
- He didn't show up here either.

- I figure he's home hung over.
- I don't want him around my place!

He's gone. You take his stuff.
Charlene, what's goin' on, huh?
- Shelby Overman's AWOL again.
- Oh, no. I'm sorry.

- What, is this all his stuff?
- Yeah. Doesn't figure.

He left his passport and his...
and his credit cards.

Driver's licence, pawn tickets.
I don't think he could have been
planning to go too far.

You don't think
something happened to him?

No. No, look.
He is curled up, drunk someplace.

When I find him,
he's in deep trouble.

We'll let you know
as soon as we hear anything.

- Wanna help me out?
- Yeah. Take care, Charlene.

- Help me look in the lagoon?
- You bet.

Hey, I'm mad at that old boy,
but I don't mean him any harm.

Down a little more.
Turn it.
Batteries are fully charged, Mike.
- Thank you, Danny.
- Thanks, Danny.

Control room, submersible
is now entering the lagoon.

- Roger.
- I can monitor it from here.

(Technician) 'Testing, one,
two, three. Can you read me, Kay?'

(Kay ) 'I read you.
Communication's fine.
