'Went down to shackle
the sea gate alone.
'If anything happened, the current
would have washed him up here,
'toward the centre of the lagoon.'
(Kay ) 'What about
the filtration pipes?'
'It's too strong a current
the other way.
'The flow's all into the lagoon.
'There's a million gallons
of fresh salt water every hour.
(Kay ) 'Could he be trapped
in the Spanish Galleon?'
(Mike ) 'The superstructure could have
kept him from floating.'
(Kay ) 'Mike! Oh, God.
For a second I thought...'
(Mike ) 'Yeah, yeah. I know it.
We call him Oscar.'
'You stay here, Kay. I'll go into
the galleon for a closer look.'
'Uh-uh, I'm goin' with you.'
(Mike ) 'Goddamn dolphins!
What the hell are they doing?'
'I don't know. They've been acting
strange for days. Look at 'em.'
(Kay ) 'Control,
we're leaving the sub.
- 'We'll be out of radio contact.'
- OK, Dr Morgan.
'Grab your ABS bottles, Kay.
Let's go.'
'OK, sweetie.'