Jaws 3-D

Get away! Get clear! Get clear!
Didn't he give you any signs?
No! One minute he was dead out,
the next he was wide awake!

(Kay ) No food. No medication.
It's the only live one in captivity,
guys. Let's keep him that way.

Huh? Don't do anything
that's gonna traumatise him.

(Applause )
(Woman on PA) 'Welcome to the opening
of the Undersea Kingdom.

'The magical mysteries of Jonah
and the Whale, the Coral Forest

'and the Sunken Spanish Galleon.'
Gotcha, guv'nor.
(Calvin) It's a whale with a brain
larger than most folks,

able to earn beaucoup bucks.
Kay and I went down in the sub,
and we searched over all this area

before the sharks hit us.
What if Overman went down
on the other side?

The tide might have pulled him out,
but his body should have shown up.

Brody, did you check
the filtration pipe?

No, the current's
too strong goin' the other way.

We got a million gallons of sea water
flowing into the lagoon every hour.

The man's irresponsible.
When he turns up, fire him.

Hold it, Calvin. He's a good man.
He just messes up once in a while.

I'm gonna hold you responsible.
(Man on PA) 'She gets to ski
by herself, because she's the best.'

- How's it doin'?
- I just got our first printout.
