Go ahead.
Photograph it.
- Look out!
- Kelly. Kelly.
I don't know. I-I don't... No. No.
Come on, you'll love it.
It's fun. Trust me. Come on!
What is this thing?
I-I... Are you sure?
Are you sure
we should be doing this?
Oh! Oh, God.
Can this hold two people?
Oh. Push. Push.
Oh, my God.
Are you steering this, or am I?
(People laughing, chattering)
Go! Go! Get away! Get away!
(PA) 'We invite you to enter
the magical world of the Coral Forest
'where you may observe the wonders
of the deep without ever getting wet.
'The Spanish Galleon plays host
to many colourful fish
'that we have assembled from
the different oceans of the world.'
- Look at all of them!
- Oh, yeah!
(Girl) That looks like a butterfly.
(2nd Girl) You're right.
(Man) Oh, my God! Look at that!
Kay, you don't want to see this.
Everybody is assuming
this was a shark attack.
- Now, I wanna make sure.
- OK. All right.
Did you guys pull him out?