
Power is eternal.
Such is my power.
It can be yours.
I don't want your power.
Do not let my form frighten you.
I can assume any form I wish.
Any form you wish.

There's no love in that form.
And you think there's love
in your boy king?

I've not held a man in my arms
since my lover left.

This is a lie!
I know how painful it is
to be far from your lover.

He will betray you.
Comfort me for one night.
He will not.
I can't betray my bride.
Then he will die.
Let me comfort you.
I can't accept comfort when she has none.
You will not then?
I cannot.
My master said:
"Make him betray her. If not, kill him. "

Yes, he is my master. These talons
were a heartbeat away from your throat.

I could have killed you in an instant.
But, in the hour I knew you, I loved you.
It is you who are betrayed.
Power is fleeting. Love is eternal.
Remember me.
Consider this power.
If you consent to be my queen...

... I will halt the attacks of the Slayers.
