About what?
I am Oliviero Ruvigny.
I know you very well Mr Ruvigny,
at least by name.
Even we Inspectors are victims
of compulsory education...
We occasionally read books.
Perhaps it would be better
if we went inside, Mr Ruvigny.
Of course, come with me.
I understand it won't
be pleasant for madam,
but I'd like to exchange
some words in private.
Why? I've got no
secrets from my wife.
As you prefer,
it'll be Quicker.
You made a date for last night
with a shop assistant
from the Roma Bookshop,
am I wrong?
Who, Fausta?
we used to see each other a lot,
inspector, but definitely not last night.
I was a teacher atTasso
High School ten years ago
and Fausta was one of my students.
And they speak badly of students!
To keep a friendship going
with her own teacher for ten years.
It's lovely, don't you agree,
Oliviero's students always had
a great weakness for him.
I expect it's a school desk complex.
How much sugar?
None thank you madam.
If I understand correctly,
- Fausta's accused me of not going on a date?
She probably didn't have time.
We don't believe she died accidentally,
Mr Ruvigny.
It really is Fausta.
- But who could have...
- ...killed her so horribly?