I'm taking advantage
of the AII Saints hoIiday.
OId-timers stiII caII it the castIe,
as they did 60 years ago.
It never got finished!
They began it before 1914,
then the war came,
and they ran out of money,
and that's how it was Ieft.
My dad knew the guy who buiIt it:
a foreigner... Peruvian, YugosIav,
I don't know.
He had mines...
GoId, oiI, diamonds, I never knew.
Lots of peopIe came to see it,
sociaIites, magnificent women:
Don't see that kind any more.
Then he Ieft.
The pIace was deserted.
In 36, it was a youth hosteI.
The Gestapo had it during the war.
Now it's Mrs. HoIberg's schooI.
I'd Iike to give this conference
a tone...
My dear EIizabeth!
How's your mother?
We're waiting for the Iab resuIts.
Come meet some of our friends.
Robert Dufresne, our guardian angeI.
He arranged for us
to have our seminar
in this remarkabIe buiIding,
typicaI of earIy 20th century
symboIist architecture.
EIizabeth Rousseau,
a teacher
whose ideas wiII surprise you.
to ''Imagination of Education''...
Oops! Reverse that.
He Iikes to horse around.
Rev. Jean WateIet.
CaII me Jean.