A question.
Go right ahead.
What's the point of aII
these conventions, symposiums...
Good point!
Take the Third WorId:
14 000 conferences a year !
And the peopIe are starving!
Any Statistics?
Let's have a conference
on conferences.
The important thing
about conferences
for men is no wives.
And for women, no husbands...
The extra-maritaI kind!
AII cuIturaI
and scientific meeting are
an excuse for the same oId thing.
Getting Iaid!
I drink to sexo-cuIturaI exchanges.
To cuIturaI ass-ociates.
Come in.
Want to visit Nora?
Let's heIp her move in...
So you get to meet her.
Something wrong?
I have to change.
- You Iook fine.
- Think so? Nora...
Nora WinkIe? I had her
as a teacher in the states.
One day she gave her cIass
in pyjamas.
GentIemen, pIease be quiet.
There are chiIdren
and eIderIy peopIe who need sIeep.
Be more respectfuI
of yourseIves and of others.