He's the organizer.
Doesn't matter. You're aII aIike.
My coIIeagues are the same,
aIways making fun.
We have a job to do.
Robert's not Iike that.
A wonderfuI job!
We form men, we buiId,
we create man with
devotion... and Iove...
AII our Iove.
''Love''... is that word funny?
AII big words make me Iaugh.
I may know such and such a man.
But ''men'', man in generaI,
what does it mean?
And Iove?
What is ''Iove''?
Love isn't just ''getting Iaid''.
PeopIe have ''feeIings''.
I beIieve in romantic Iove.
l believe
in love
The love
of married couples
The love of lovers
l believe in meetings
in the union of the people
who were meant for each other
Who had always
looked for each other
and finally found each other
And then never again
Never parted again
Never again