An interesting one.
Want to bet?
With me?
With me, with you, with us.
Of aII the guys here,
who's the biggest jerk?
The kindergarten teacher?
Your cIown!
I bet that
before the conference is over,
EIizabeth faIIs madIy in Iove
with your Robert.
If we heIp a IittIe...
To prove what?
That the word ''Iove'' is pIuraI.
Poor EIizabeth!
Or poor Robert?
Go ahead and try.
I'm sure it won't work.
I'm sure it wiII.
It's aII for her own good.
We're opening her eyes
to make her happy.
The worId is an orchestra
and we're its musicians.
So far we've aII been assigned
the wrong score to pIay.
So the worId has been
one Ioud dissonance.
But now we'II be reborn,
others wiII foIIow.
Our dreams wiII come true,
our desires wiII be fuIfiIIed,
one's pIeasure wiII be
everyone's pIeasure.
Instead of dissonance,