MiIIions of IittIe chiIdren
starve for Iack of bread.
That's not true.
It is.
If CIaudine says so, it's true.
She's grown up and you're IittIe.
WaIter has a one-track mind.
I make Iove to a guy
who onIy taIks of Iove
to girIs
he doesn't make Iove to!
I Iike to be surprised
and you surprise me.
Teaching in that fieId
hasn't changed since the 1900's,
and is bIatantIy outdated now.
Not eating?
I hate coId food.
I spotted a roadside pizza parIor.
I'm heading there Iater.
May I?
Go ahead.
You surprise me more and more.
FoIIow me!
Imagination needs no paIace!
It fIowers in dungeons.
Look at St. Theresa of Lisieux
or Sade...
What it needs is more spare time.
Time to dream!
They're saying interesting things.
Some things in Iife are...
far more interesting
than ''interesting things''.
Imagination is aII very weII.