- She's got magnificent lungs.
- Oh, yes. A great asset.
Five oceanography degrees
and a talented programmer.
I'll get rid of her.
She's not in on this Ferness thing.
Actually, she's better in the field.
Here's the dud.
Um, you can take
some lunch now, Marina.
I'll show you the site models,
shall I?
You'll see what you're
in the market for.
This is a bay in a million.
The silt's deep enough
to take the foundation piles.
This harbour here is a natural for
blasting in the underground tanks.
Here. Hold Ferness
a minute, would you?
Plus, the debris rock will be used
to fill in the other beach
for the refinery.
With 12 more miles of coastline,
this could become the petro-chemical
capital of the free world.
Six months' blasting,
two years' construction.
It'll last 1,000 years. Forever!
It'll even survive the next ice age.
We've proved that, you know.
We've simulated 10,000 years
of glaciation over the whole bay.
We don't need that ice age.
We can divert the Gulf Stream
and unfreeze the Arctic Circle.