Local Hero

He proved it, but they won't listen.
They want to freeze.

Thank you, Norman,
there was no need to bring that up.

- Will, um, Marina be back?
- No, not for a while yet.

We should head north soon.
We'll see you
when we get back, maybe.

No. Take it. Keep it.
Dream large. Dream large!
- What you thinking about?
- Girls.

Naked girls.
Me, too.
- In a fish tank.
- Yeah.


- What's up?
- I think we hit something.

It got misty all of a sudden
and I think we hit something.

Shit! I hate hitting things!
- It's just kind of stunned.
- Maybe a broken leg.

- Should we put it out of its misery?
- What?

Hit it with something hard?
You did that with an automobile.
Put it in the car.
Well, we can't drive in this stuff.
Where are we?
The last road sign was in Gaelic.
It's not one of my languages.
