Christmas might be early this year.
What do you want for Christmas?
Better get that new mattress.
Hang on!
Would you have an adapter?
I have to charge my briefcase.
The lock is electric.
Would you have an adapter?
Er, do you need it right away?
Leave it with me
and I'll sort something out.
- I'll hold on to it.
- OK, fine.
- Everything OK, gents?
- Very nice.
We only do hot lunch every other day.
We have to talk to Mr "Urk-u-hart,"
an accountant.
He has an office right next door.
He'll be there in about 15 minutes.
Thank you.
Come in!
Hello again. I'm Gordon Urquhart.
We tend to double up on jobs here.
I'm a taxi driver, too. Sit down.
What can I do for you?
I represent
Knox Oil and Gas, Mr "Og-hart".