Local Hero

Don't know about those jets.
They really spoil a very nice area.

- Oh, it's a crime.
- Yeah.


- May I have another roll?
- Certainly.

- Who's that old man on the beach?
- That'd be Ben.

- He lives there all year?
- Oh, yes.

- Doesn't he get cold?
- He's used to it.

- How's the casserole de lapin?
- Terrific.

That's rabbit.
- Is this my rabbit?
- Yes.

- Harry!
- Trudi.

We don't allow animals
in the bedrooms.

It's a pet! It had a name!
You don't eat things with names.

It was an injured rabbit.
It was in pain.

You were a bit hasty.
Mac was looking after it.

All it needed was lots of rest
and proper treatment.

Mac was on top of the situation.
They didn't like the rabbit.
Mac loved the rabbit!
That's the point. It had a name!

Is it worthwhile calling the vet?
Don't be a clown, Gordon.
Make some coffee.

It had a broken leg. Check the bones
if you don't believe me.

I'm sorry, Mac,
but we eat rabbits here.

The vet would have done the same.
I didn't know it had a name.
It's OK, Stella.
Look, you don't have to finish it.
- How was it, anyway?
- It was nice.
