Should I switch from Virgo?
I'll have time later.
No. Do both, Macintyre.
Leo and Virgo.
Have you ever seen
a meteor shower, sir?
Once or twice.
It's a sight worth seeing.
- I know how you must feel.
- 'Yes, Mr Happer.'
- I'll keep in touch.
- 'Goodbye, sir.'
'Next week, Professor Wiley
will be talking about his theory...'
'..based on his researches into
interplanetary gravitational effect.
'From Astronomy Tomorrow,
good night.'
- 'Happer?'
- Yes.
'You're a shit, Happer.
A useless piece of crap.'
Get off the phone, Moritz.
I don't need you any more.
You're not being paid.
'This is doing more good
than the formal sessions.'
Leave me alone, or I'll call
the police. This is harassment.
'Asshole, Happer!
You love it! Craphound!'
'I'm still here, Happer,
and you're still a useless mo...'