{y:bi}Permission de partir?. Oui. Dans quelle
{y:bi}direction? Par là ou par là? A droite. Oui.
Good morning.
You are a bit early for lunch.
- I know. It's rather embarrassing.
- Prepare for departure.
- Steward, get some clothes for my guest.
- I'm overwhelmed.
- I'm invited for lunch and given a cruise.
- Why? You had other plans?
- No, not at all. I'm at your disposal.
- Of course. Cigarette?
No, not today, thank you.
- A drink?
- A vodka martini?
Of course.
This is my situation room.
From here, the world comes to me.
- You could run a small government.
- Oh, no, I could run a large government.
- What's your latest venture?
- Oil.
A new departure, besides which my other
enterprises are of little consequence.
Well, if it's that big, let's hope
it doesn't blow up in your face.
Mr Bond! Excuse me.
I have work to do. Time is money.
By the way, the staterooms are aft.
Don't forget... 12 o'clock... Iunch.
Mr Bond...
Enjoy the ship.