One minute, 47 seconds, sir.
- Not too shabby, sir.
- But dead, 007. Dead!
You should have studied
the plot more carefully.
Fanatical revolutionaries
kidnap a millionaire's daughter.
Of course she could have been
brainwashed. Could have turned.
- Evidently she did.
- With due respect, sir,
I played for two weeks
and I only got killed once.
Twice. The land mine
on the Black Sea beach.
Correction, sir:
I lost both legs. I did not die.
You were immobilised.
It can never be the same
playing with blanks.
It is somewhat different in the field.
With your life on the line, you...
Well, your adrenaline gives you an edge.
Is your edge sharp? That's the difference
between a double-0 and a corpse.
Since you took over, sir,
you've had little use for the double-0s.
I've spent most of my time teaching,
- not doing.
- Oh, I'll make you no secret.
I hold your methods in much less regard
than my illustrious predecessor did.
But my duty is to keep you up to par.
Too many free radicals,
that's your problem.
- Free radicals, sir?
- Toxins that destroy the body and brain.
Caused by eating too much red meat and
white bread, and too many dry martinis.
- Then I shall cut out the white bread, sir.
- You'll do more than that, 007.
From now on, you will be suffering
a strict regimen of diet and exercise.
We shall purge those toxins from you.
- Shrublands?
- You've got it.