and then you can cut along to the
light-dining room for a cup of parsley tea.
Mr Bond, I need a urine sample.
If you could fill this beaker for me...
From here?
- Box 27 4 and quickly, please.
- Ah, oui. Suivez-moi.
We have invested extensively in
the Middle East and Central America
to promote insurgency and revolution.
Fortunately our capital outlay
has been handsomely offset
by the resultant sales
of armaments and missiles.
You will note that we have supplied
both rebels and government forces
on an equal basis.
In matters of death,
SPECTRE is strictly impartial.
Now for the future. SPECTRE's
most audacious enterprise of any,
next to which our previous
ventures are inconsequential.
Our esteemed Number One is in
complete charge of the entire operation,