It's a motorbike toy. If I can get the thing
to work properly, I'll ship it out to you.
Wait a minute! I've got something
in here that could be useful.
The prototype came from a KGB defector.
Bit of a whiz kid in their technical section.
Not a bad chap, though like
all defectors, prone to melancholy.
I suppose it's all that vodka
and English weather.
Rather tasty, this is.
It looks like a watch, but it's really a laser.
- Keeps perfect time.
- But for how long?
At least your lifetime.
Good to see you, Mr Bond.
Things have been awfully dull round here.
Bureaucrats running the place,
things done by the book.
Can't make a decision unless
the computer gives you the go-ahead.
Now you're on this, I hope we're going to
have some gratuitous sex and violence.
I certainly hope so too. What is this for?
I'll show you. You unscrew it,
then stick it up your nose.
- It's for my sinus.
- Well, I won't need one where I'm going.
Where's that,
or are you not allowed to say?
- The Bahamas.
- Lucky bloody you!
- Oh, sorry!
- That's perfectly all right.
- What are you hoping to catch?
- Something about 6'2", 190lb,
- with brown eyes.
- Well, why bother going to sea?