Hello again. I do owe you an explanation.
My name is Bond. James Bond.
May I offer you a drink?
- Hard or soft?
- Soft.
A double Bloody Mary with
plenty of Worcestershire sauce.
I hate to think what you mean
by hard. Vodka on the rocks.
I think you have lost her.
Do you imagine that I could lose a woman
to an underpaid British agent? Ja?
Ja. And I warn you,
if he's not executed at once,
he'll have your Domino turned over.
Is it possible that you have bungled
your attempts because you want him...
for yourself? Hm?
Maximillian, why torture yourself
over that kind of woman?
Maybe one day
you have to kill her, Fatima.
Your sense of humour is delicious.
What's your brother up to these days?
He's on his way here.
Oh, I can't wait to see him.
- How do you know my brother?
- Hello!
You must be Mr James Bond, right?
Monsieur Largo.
Yes. Right.
Are you a man who enjoys games?