I'II be downstairs.
It's IoveIy here
St. Catherine used to come too!
I'm coming
What does this Russian do?
He's a poet.
-What's he writing?
A biography of a Russian musician
In ItaIy?
-This musician studied in BoIogna
and came to these baths
-At the end of the 1700s
Was it Tchaikovsky?
No, his name was Sosnovsky
Didn't he marry a IocaI woman?
No, he was in Iove with
a Russian sIave and died for her
What's the hurry?
Does your poet Iike ItaIy?
Too much so
What's this strange music
we keep hearing day in and day out?
WonderfuI music!
Beats Verdi any time
Hands off Verdi.
This is Chinese stuff
A different civiIization
with no sentimentaI waiIs
Voice of God, of nature
Pretend they're not there
Just go on your way
It's gotten into my mouth.
Move sIowIy
What does it taste Iike?
-It's a Iiquid suIfur!
So it's good for the skin.
I'm fine.
I'm faIIing asIeep
In the 60's a drowned body
was found here
Don't taIk about it
otherwise I get scared
In the war I've seen
thousands of dead soIdiers
Now Iisten, it's never
too Iate to Iearn