My cigar's gone out,
anyone got a Iight?
Why do they make fun of him?
He shut himseIf up in the house
with his famiIy
for 7 years to wait
for the end of the worId
A reIigious fit, they say
He was jeaIous of his wife
Later she ran off with the chiIdren
JeaIous my foot, he's nuts
That's not it, he was just scared
Scared of what?
You're wrong, he's a man
of great faith
And how, he kept his famiIy
Iocked up for 7 years!
When they broke down the door
his kid shot out Iike a rat
and he chased after him
We thought he wanted to kiII him!
Here's the Russian poet!
Miss, I don't smoke
but couId I have a cigarette?
Of course, as you don't smoke