In what?
What is ''faith''?
Even your ItaIian was better
when you first came
What does ''faith'' mean?
In Russian it's ''vera''
Why do they say he's mad?
He's not mad.
He has faith
There are Iots of these Iunatics
at Iarge in ItaIy
AsyIums have been cIosed down
but the famiIies won't have them
What is madness?
They're troubIesome, inconvenient
We refuse to understand them
They're aIone
But they're certainIy
cIoser to the truth
He has another fixation now
He gets into the pooI with
a Iighted candIe
Everyone's afraid he wants
to drown himseIf
so they throw him out and save him
I don't beIieve it
Ask them
Can we ask him to have Iunch
with us?
Now - you don't know what time is it
What time is it?
-It's 7 in the morning!
In the morning?
Does that man with the wet shoes
come often?
It depends. Sometimes he does,
sometimes he doesn't
Where does he Iive?
Up above Bagno Vignoni