What's the matter?
Uh, I saw someone.
L-ln that window.
They haven't had a tenant
in the house for years.
I guess
I'm just nervous.
Well, that's understandable
under the circumstances.
Well, this is it.
You don't have to
stay here, you know.
I could find you
a place in town.
No, no.
L... I want to stay here.
Then as long
as you realize
that the memories are
more likely to reoccur here...
But you know how to handle
that now, don't you?
You start work at noon today.
Don't forget.
No, I won't.
I don't suppose you will.
What's wrong?
Oh, nothing, really.
I just wish there hadn't been
all those cutbacks,
there'd be
a trained social worker
looking in on you
from time to time.
Well, I have you,
don't I?
Damn right you do.
I had the phone
Any trouble, use it.
Thanks, Doctor,
for everything.