Lie to the Sheriff?
You weren't with me
this afternoon.
I had to do something.
He was going to arrest you.
It's starting again.
Sheriff Hunt?
I-I'm Lila Loomis.
I used to be Lila Crane.
Oh, yes, of course.
What a coincidence.
I was just thinkin'
about you and Sam.
How is he?
My husband is dead.
I'm sorry.
Well, what brings you
back to Fairvale
after all these years?
Norman Bates.
Where is he?
He's out at his motel,
I suppose.
Why haven't you
arrested him?
What for?
For murder.
It's all over town
what he did to that boy.
Mrs. Loomis, I can't arrest
a man without proof.
Especially one
with an alibi.
What alibi?
There's a girl staying
out there with him
and she says
that he was with her
at the time
the murder took place
if there was a murder.
Oh, well, what do you mean
"if there was a murder"?
Well, what I mean is
that I am not convinced
that anybody was killed.
There's no body.
No corpus delicti.
So let's just wait
and see
if the boy
comes home tonight.
Have you dragged
the swamp yet?
The swamp?
That's where he dumped
his victims the last time.
Have you dragged it yet?
No, ma'am.
Well, then I suggest
you start,
before there
are more murders.
Unless, of course,
you want it
on your conscience.
What's her problem?
I don't know.
But if Norman Bates
is crazy,
there are a whole lot
of people around here
runnin' him
a close second.