Make a lot of money.
What about you, Joel?
Serve my fellow mankind.
Profit motive.
Free enterprise.
Is there any company
that doesn't have a product in production?
We're falling far behind.
You haven't exactly been helping.
You wanted to be
the production executive.
Bullshit! Every sales manager I know
helps with production.
Yeah? Who?
Everyone! Just help me
with the production!
I can't! I'm too busy
with marketing and sales!
How can you be busy
with marketing and sales?
I haven't given you the product yet!
Barry, just bring the goddamn thing
over tonight.
I only did this because I thought
it'd look good on my record.
Hi, Glenn. What's up?
- I heard your parents were away.
- Yeah.
I thought maybe I could borrow a room?
Barry is here and we're working.
We won't bother you.
We don't have anywhere to go.
You know how it is.
Sure. Take my room.
Thanks, Joel.
The "Memo-Minder"!
Here's how it works.
A call comes in for your mom,
it's fairly important. What do you do?
You write the message down here,
hit the switch... you've got the light.
Now, a call for your dad comes in
and it's really important!
You're gonna get your ass kicked in
if he misses it.
So, what do you do?
Write the message down there,
hit position two...
$1.86 in parts, sell it for $9.95
and make a fortune!