Rumble Fish

If he's bringin' friends,
then I'm bringin' friends.

You know how that's gonna turn out.
Everybody will be getting into it.

You bring people,
he brings people ...

If you think I'm goin' by myself ...
You're fuckin' crazy.

Watch your language.
Bring it down. Cool it off.

Just butt out.
Steve goes wherever I go.
Steve, sit down.

Sit down and be quiet.
Been ages since we'd had trouble.
- Chicken, Smoke?

Smoke's a chicken.
Smoke doesn't want to come.
Smoke's a chicken!
You don't wanna come? Fine.
You know I'm gonna be there.
You know what the Motorcycle Boy said.
- He hasn't been around for 2 months.

What if he came back ...
What if your brother came back
and found out?

My brother ain't back!
I'm sick of hearing this shit!

I don't know when he's coming back!
If you assholes want to wait around,

fine. Fine man.
- Get down!

I'm gonna stomp that shitass tonight.
And I should have a few friends ...

We're gonna be there, man.
But let's keep it between you two.
- B.J.!

I'm right behind you.
- Get down off there!

Sorry, man.
I love fights! This reminds me
of the old days when we had rumbles.

Heroin ruined the gangs.
I wouldn't know.
Ask my brother.
A gang really meant something then.

That gang shit was out of style
when you was 10. - Bullshit, I was 11.
