He don't like you
any more than the rest of 'em.
He doesn't like me now.
What's the matter?
You shootin' up?
Fuckin' heroin!
Me and him, we never did dope.
It ruined the gangs.
It ruined everything.
If I ever caught my girlfriend doin'
that shit, I'd break her fuckin' arm!
Only her arm?
I wish he would show me
that much mercy.
I'm not hooked, though.
I thought
it might help me a little bit.
I thought
he was gone for good.
I was wrong.
But I was right.
- No, you were wrong.
You're fuckin' wrong!
He's back!
Poor kid!
Looks like you're messed up
ail the time now.
I'm okay.
Let's go get a bite to eat.
- Hey. what?