Russell James,
be more careful!
That chick, Cassandra, said
she wasn't hooked.
Oh yeah?
- Yeah.
Well, I believe her.
You do?
- Sure.
You know what happened to people
who didn't believe Cassandra?
The Greeks got 'em.
Know what I mean?
- The Greeks got 'em.
What the fuck did the Greeks
have to do with anything?
Think I care
what the Greeks ... I don't care.
I don't give a shit.
What? - Will you do me a favor?
- What? - Come over here.
A little more respect.
- Fuck you.
I'm only kiddin'.
I'm glad you're back.
Time is a funny thing.
Time is a very peculiar item.
When you're young, you're a kid,
you got time.
Throw away a couple of years,
a couple of years ...
It doesn't matter.
You know?
The older you get you say,
''Jesus, how much I got?''
35 summers left, think about it.
Smokey, man.
You sure come up with some good ideas.
That is what I'm here for.